I ‘ve used mixed media like abalone, jade…, since 2004. Fixed pigment, stone power, shell power, all kinds of power and preservative, glue. I make it all by my self.                                   
“To make my mind empty is not as difficult as keeping it that way. Is it possible to produce good work without pretensions and self-assertion?How far can one flee from his or her prejudices about things? Those questions have been persistent in the way of my work.”
To empty a mind is not to secure an empty space but to fill it with something unnameable, to achieve something unnameable and unobjective.
The ancient Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu once said, “Non-doing does not mean doing nothing and keeping silent. Leave everything as it is by nature. Then, its nature will be fulfilled.”
If to empty ones mind is like to get rid of a heavy backpack, there is no need for suffering. However, being in the state of non-doing by emptying a mind is not that simple. The emptied space has the obligation of accepting something into it. This is Sunae Aum’s dilemma.
- Sunae Aum

무엇이 우리를 그림 앞에 서게 하는 것일까?
그림이란 과연 어떤 것일까?

그림을 그리겠다는 욕망과 좋을 그림을 그리겠다는
의지의 차이는 분명 있을 텐데…,
관습적 인식의 틀에서 자유로워지는 것,
결과를 염두에 두지 않는,
그리고 아는 체하거나 흉내 내지 않는,
그리하여 온전히 나의 마음이 자연스럽게 자리하는 것
그것을 그림의 처음에 두고 싶다.

좋은 그림의 목적은 형태와 색채를 지배하는 것이 아니라
그를 해방시켜 원초적 마력을 되돌려주는 것일 것이다.
회화가 지닌 본래의 육감성肉感性과 자기세계에 맞는
양식을 찾아 그것과 함께 호흡하듯 같이 움직이며
어떤한 것을 ‘만들다’라고 하기 보다는 ‘되어지는’ 과정에서의 역할
그럼으로써 우리의 세계를 증식시키는 것이다.

늘 쉽지 않았다.
마음을 비우는 것은 물론, 그를 지탱하기는 더욱 그러했다.
꾸미지 않거나, 주장하지 않고도 좋은 그림이 가능할 것인가…
사물에 대해 갖고 있는 고정관념들로부터 과연 얼마만큼
벗어날 수 있는가 하는 문제들이 작업의 진행을 오히려
끈질기게 가로막은 것도 사실이다.
하지만 사물이 가진 물성을 그대로,
오롯이 그 결을 돌려주는 허락을 통해
더불어 자유로워질 수 있다는 사실은 놀라운 일임에 틀림없다.

그림을 그림답게 하기 위해서, 그리고 ‘홀로 넉넉한’ 그림을 위해서는
끊임없이 어떤 일탈逸脫을 필요로 했는지도 모르지만
결국 시간이 흐르고…
저마다 본성대로 움트게 하는 것이야말로
커다란 사랑에 가깝다는 것 또한
그림 앞에 서서의 깨달음인 것을.

-  9. 2015  엄선애 -
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